Detect and Release your Personal Limits with Autonomy ALWAYS
MACMA2 Diagnosis and Review of the Person of the Therapist as the central axis of the Therapeutic Process. The Macma spare tool.
Given that the path towards personal knowledge is a process that has no end, since as long as one lives one continues to have experiences, the therapeutic assemblage is also continuous, so that the task of seeing/understanding the other is linked to the task of seeing oneself. /understand himself. The Personal Growth of the therapist and the Development of Consciousness about himself stand as basic pillars for his professional evolution, constituting relevant variables to invest an adequate alliance. In this module the therapist will be able to have a personal tool to solve the personal material that arises at every moment of every moment of your life.
The therapist will learn an easy and effective Personal Supervision Tool that will allow them to detect and release their limits, blockages, sabotage in order to follow their personal limits throughout their professional process and the limits that affect their relationships with patients and the way they manage the therapeutic process. Once this tool is learned , we can Apply it to ourselves for a lifetime.
The Self-Supervision Tool that we share in the MACMA 2 Module consists of enabling the therapist to develop a self-applied kinesiological test that will allow him to identify, along with some tables specifically designed by MACMA to identify his own Unconscious limiting difficulties that intervene at any time in our therapeutic work as well as for our personal self-care.
Requirements to complete the MACMA 2 Module: Have completed and integrated the MACMA 1 Module.
The continuous review of ourselves as people is a powerful tool for personal growth.
Optimize therapeutic decisions on which procedures to choose and which tools to prioritize in therapeutic follow-up.
Optimize the effectiveness in making decisions about the business itself, regarding prices, format, hours, place, collaborators... and all the elements involved in it.
Expand your internal well-being, being able to independently accompany your own personal development throughout its entire journey, crossing limits, blockages, beliefs... that at any moment can specifically limit the Experience of taking a Complete Space in your own Experiences.
Learn how to maintain your inner well-being.
Increase knowledge of your person, strengths and weaknesses.
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